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I think the monk seal, sea turtles, and tiger shark are.

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Q: What are three animals native to Hawaii?
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What kind of animals are in Hawaii?

Hawaii has 8,800 native species found only in Hawaii.

What negative effects were brought about by the introduction of non native species of animals in the island of Hawaii?

All of the native animals were really angry so there was a massive gang war and 34 toads died D:

Is the hibiscus flower the native flower of Hawaii?

Yes the Hibiscus is very native to Hawaii

What are the two best known native American animals in Australia?

The only purely native American animal in Australia is the cane toad, which was introduced from Hawaii. There are many animals that have been introduced from European, Asian and African countries, but not from the Americas.

Did any Native Americans live in Hawaii?

Yes some native Americans did live in Hawaii

What are three native Australian animals?

A Kangaroo, a platypus, a koala, a Tasmanian devil.

What is the three native animals in Korea?

Three animals which can be found in North Korea are tigers, badgers, and whiskered bats. Three animals that can be found in South Korea are red foxes, leopards, and striped field mice.

WHY did they call Hawaii Hawaii?

"Hawaii" is possibly based on the native word for homeland (Owhyhee).

What are some native Hawaiian animals?

The Hawaiian monk seal, Llio holo kai, Humuhumunukunukuapua, Kikakapu, Nene, Pueo, Noio, and Ulae are all native mammals, fish, birds and insects to Hawaii.

How did introduced animals affect native animals in NZ?

It affected native animals because the native animals became prey to the new animals

What are native animals?

native animals are animals that are origanly from one country.

Are blue whales native to Hawaii?
