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They differ in (1) language (Turkish vs. Arabic), (2) religiosity (more secular vs. more religious), (3) historic relationship (nomadic militants vs. domestic peasants).

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Q: What are three different things between the Turks and the Arabs?
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What are the Turks and the Arabs religions?


Do Arabs and Turks have the same religion?

Yes, Islam.

Is Baghdad in the Ottoman Empire?

it was until Arabs backstabbed Turks.

The Byzantines protected Western Europe from most of the attacks of the?

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Iran's people are actually a Caucasian Race called the Aryan, a tribe similar to those tribes that founded Europe. This is in contrast to the Semites (Jews and Arabs) and the Turks (Turks and Azeris) who are distinctly different peoples.

Who invaded east Rome?

The Byzantine Empire was invaded by the Arabs, Bulgars, Croats, Serbians and Turks. Constantinople, the capital, fell to the Ottoman Turks

Arabs were defeated by which dynasty?

The is no famous dynasty that defeated the Arabs per se. The Seljuk Turks and Ottoman Turks inflicted heavy defeats upon Arabs. The Almoravid and Almohad Amazigh leaders handily defeated the Arabs in several wars. The Mongols led by Hülegü Khan destroyed the Abbassid Caliphate. The House of Windsor and the House of Bonaparte (of the UK and France) also handed the Arabs numerous defeats.

Which of these was most responsible for the fall of the Byzantine Empire?

attacks from European Crusaders, Arabs, and Turks

What group of people defeated the Arabs in the tenth century and ruled for 400 yrs?

The Ottoman Turks defeated the Arabs in the 10th century and ruled for 400 years.

Who do you believe was ultimately responsible for the decline and fall of the Byzantine Empire?

Turks, Arabs and European crusaders

When were the Muslims taken over by the Turks in the Crusades?

The Turks were one of many military contingents of the Muslim forces, which also included Kurds, Arabs, and Persians. The Muslims were not taken over by the Turks, but rather the since the Turks were one of the many groups of Muslims, the question is unanswerable.