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Q: What are three goods merchants carried along the trade routes?
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Atlantic trade routes carried goods and enslaved people between what areas?

england, france, and netherlands

What Atlantic trade routes carried goods and enslaved people between?

lol i need this too HELP:(

Why was this a problem for the European's merchants?

The geographical obstacles and limited resources in Europe prompted the merchants to search for new trade routes to access valuable goods from Asia. The existing land routes were controlled by middlemen who inflated prices, pushing the European merchants to seek alternative sea routes for direct trade with Asia. This ultimately led to the Age of Exploration and the discovery of new lands.

Atlantic trade routes carried goods and enslaved people between?

through long travels and lots of old boats

What did England export as their portion of the triangular trade?

Merchants carried rum and other goods from the New England colonies to Africa. Hope this heed

Explain how the sea routes help European countries break the monoplies on Asian spices held by merchants?

Merchants used specific land routes to bring precious Asian spices. These merchants had the monopoly on Asian-European trade. When sea routes to Asia were discovered, Europeans had another choice of how to obtain their goods from Asia.

Local merchants held what against imported goods?

Merchants held tariffs on imported goods.

What did the local merchants do against imported goods?

The local merchants held a BOYCOTT against imported goods.

Merchants sold their goods at the town?

Merchants certainly did sell their goods at the town market. This was because this was where everyone came to buy and sell goods.