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in Hinduism samsara means this world or earth. Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) & Kāma (enjoyment) describes it.

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Q: What are three key points that describe Hindu beliefs about Samsara?
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Hindus have very good notion of time. Samsara means the society according to hindu mythology.

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Karma and Samsara are concepts from the ancient Hindu religion, which is still practiced in modern India.

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Hinduism is a religion predominantly found in India. Hindu's beliefs are fairly open and a Hindu may be monotheistic, polytheistic, atheist and agnostic, etc. See the related links for more information.

What is Hindu Dharma?

The Hindu religion is very complicated. Dharma is only apart of it. Dharma means duty and obligation. is belief is a cycle from the hindus. they believe that Dharma is there duty, then they believe that what they did is good and their "gods" think so to that is what is called Karma which means something like this "what comes around goes around". and lastly Samsara. they think that Samsara is there recarnation.

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What are the Hindu arguments for and against religious experiences?

That depends on the Hindu that is being talked to. There are some Hindus that are atheistic in their beliefs but refuse to be called atheits. There are Hindu's that are fundamental polytheists/monotheists in their beliefs. There is not really a "Hindu" argument for/against relgious experiences.

What is freedom from samsara?

Freedom from samsara has two parts. The first freedom is to be free from the material world and to live a spiritual life. To be free from the pain of the body, the misery of the mind and the agony of the ego, to be free from fear, worry, anxiety; from hate, anger, revenge, jealousy. This freedom from samsara liberates us from sorrow. But the ultimate freedom from samsara is to realize we are not the body, mind and ego, we are the Divine Soul. It is not to create any karma knowing that we are just an instrument of the Divine. When we are free from karma, we are free from rebirth, we are free from samsara. Samsara is a cycle of death and rebirth. Though we come to this samsara, this world, we must suffer. And therefore, ultimate freedom from samsara is liberation from this world and unification with the Divine.