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Q: What are three microorganisms other than bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses?
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What causes foodborne illness?

Bacteria from uncleaned surfaces or uncooked food cause food borne illnesses.

Which type of hazard is the most common cause of foodborne illness?

Biological hazards cause the most foodborne illnesses.

Why is Koch important in the history of medicine?

Robert Koch proved that specific bacteria caused specific illnesses.

Which food bacteria affects the nervous system?

Thousands of types of bacteria are naturally present in our environment. Microorganisms that cause disease are called pathogens. When certain pathogens enter the food supply, they can cause foodborne illness. Not all bacteria cause disease in humans. For example, some bacteria are used beneficially in making cheese and yogurt.

What is the difference between foodborne microorganisms and food poisoning microorganisms?

All micro-organisms are no food poisoning micro-organisms,but all food poisoning micro-organisms are a category of micro-organisms. Food poisoning micro-organisms are harmful for a person but all micro-organisms are not harmful for example lacto-bacallius is a micro-organisms which is present in curd(yogurt) causes no food-poisoning whereas The microorganism salmonella bacteria, causes an infectious illness and can be passed on to another person and causes food poisoning.

What bacteria can not cause foodborne illness?

It would be easier to list bacteria that are known to cause foodborne illness, since there are many many more that don't. But here are a few:non-pathogenic E. coliAcetobacterLactobacillus

What is a microorganisms that cause disease?

Microorganisms that cause disease are known as pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Advantage of boiling?

The main advantage to boiling water is that it is free from harmful microorganisms. The high heat quickly kills viruses and bacteria which can cause illnesses.

What is the most common cause of food-borne illnesses?

Foodborne illnesses can be caused by any of: Contaminants Improper food handling practices Food allergies

What must most bacteria that cause foodborne illness have?

Bacteria that cause foodborne illness must have moisture, certain nutrients, time to grow, and the proper temperature to multiply. Salts and sugars can inhibit bacterial growth by tying up the water they need to live.

Which microorganisms friends and foes of mankind?

Friends: Some microorganisms are beneficial to mankind, such as probiotic bacteria that support digestion and immune function, as well as fungi used in food production like yeast in bread-making. Foes: Pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi can cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants, leading to illnesses and economic losses. Examples include E. coli, influenza virus, and Candida albicans.

Are bacteria microorganisms that cause disease?

Yes, they cause a large portion of the infectious diseases.