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Q: What are three objects without kinetic energy?
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What are three examples of objects with Kinetic energy?

A falling rock. A cannonball in flight. A tetherball swinging around the pole. Anything that's moving.

Can you give some types of kinetic energy?

There are many different forms of kinetic energy, but there are three that are most common. Linear Kinetic Energy (straight line motion) Rotational Kinetic Energy (Like a spinning top) Spring Kinetic Energy (A spring oscillating back and forth)

What are three theories of kinetic theory?

Kinetic energy is the energy produced or exerted by an object in motion. The three assumptions are, that there is matter (the object exists), it is moving (in motion), and it is producing or exerting energy.



What three forces drive a rollercoaster?

friction, potential energy, and kinetic energy

A 1.0 kg rock is dropped from a height of 11 m At what height is its kinetic energy three times its potential energy?

At halfway, the forces are equal. At three quarters of the way down, it will have three times the kinetic energy as it does potential (having travelled three times the distance than is left). So at 7.75m into the fall it's kinetic energy will be triple it's potential energy.

What are the three forms of mechanical energy?

Kinetic energy Elastic Potential energy Gravitational Potential energy.

When the speed of a body is tripled what is the change in its kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed. That means that with three times the speed you get nine times the energy.

What are three types of mechanical energy?

Only two types: potential energy and kinetic energy.

What are three main types of energy?

kinetic energy, gravitational energy, electromagnetic energy, heat energy, nuclear energy.

What relationship does kinetic energy have to the three states of matter?

they have to move

What is the three form of energy?

kinetic,chemical, light,heat