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They are:

1. Tapeworm

2. Jellyfish

3. Bacteria

4. Amoeba

Yeast doesn't use binary fission, it uses budding

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1d ago

Three organisms that use binary fission for reproduction are bacteria, some protists like amoebas, and certain algae species.

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Q: What are three organisms that use binary fission?
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What is the scientific word that you use to name organisms that do photosynthesis?

There are various words to use: Phototrophs - photosynthetic organisms that use sunlight to make food. Autotrophs - organisms (including phototrophs) that make their own food and don't have to chase it down or catch it like animals (heterotrophs) do. Producers - the energy producers (capturers) in a food chain. Plants are the producers of terrestrial food chains. They are autotrophs in that they can make their own food. They are phototrophs in that they use light to carry out the reactions to make that food (photosynthesis).

What do modern scientists use in classifying organisms that Linnaeus did not use?

Modern scientists use genetic sequencing, molecular studies, and evolutionary relationships to classify organisms, techniques that Linnaeus did not have access to. These methods provide a more accurate and detailed understanding of the relationships between different species.

How do you store and retrieve a picture in sybase database?

To store a picture in a Sybase database, you can use a BLOB (Binary Large Object) data type column in a table. You can insert the picture into this column using SQL commands or through an application that interacts with the database. To retrieve the picture, you can query the column where the picture is stored and then display or use the binary data as needed.

Which kingdoms include organisms that use cellular respiration to generate ATP?

Organisms from all kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Prokaryotae) can use cellular respiration to generate ATP. This process occurs in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells and in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells.

What is taxonomist?

A taxonomist is a scientist who specializes in the classification of organisms into different groups based on their characteristics. They use principles of taxonomy to identify, name, and categorize living organisms, helping to better understand the diversity of life on Earth.

Related questions

What is the use of binary fission?

unicellular organisms are used for binary fission there are 3 organisms bacteria jelly fish tape worm

Do unicellular organisms use binary fission?


What animals use binary fission?

single celled organisms such as the amoeba

What are organisms that use binary fission?

They are: 1. Tapeworm 2. Jellyfish 3. Bacteria 4. Amoeba Yeast doesn't use binary fission, it uses budding

Is Binary fission the most common form of reproduction?

Binary fission is the most common type of asexual reproduction in simple organisms. Examples include organisms such as protists and bacteria.

What type of organisms use binary fission to reproduce?

it is flat worms and amoeba, that right buddy

What method do prokaryotes use for cell reproduction?

Prokaryotic fission or binary fission is the process that prokaryotes use to reproduce. This means that they reproduce asexually instead of sexually.

What process do single-celled organisms use to reproduce?

Single-celled organisms reproduce through a process called binary fission, where the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. In this process, the genetic material is replicated, and the cell divides into two new cells with the same genetic information.

Which type of cell division occurs in binary fission?

A cell: All cells divide using Binary fission (except for sex cells which use meiosis) plant cells use binary fission (that is how they grow and repair) animal cell use binary fission (also how grow and repair themselves) bacteria use binary fission (this is how they reproduce, they evolve due to genetic mutations that some times occur during binary fission). The only things that don't use this are viruses which aren't cells and aren't even considered living.

Do protists use binary fission?

Protists do use binary fission. It's up to you to find out the other methods of reproduction now.

Do prokaryotic organisms undergo meiosis?

It must or cells would not be able to reproduce. Eukaryotic cells replicate by mitosis. Prokaryotic cells replicate via binary fission.

Which cell process do organisms use when they reproduce sexually?

Single-Celled Organisms use binary fission to reproduce.