

Best Answer

Revolution-fleas and ticks and prevents heartworms in cats

Capstar-a pill that kills fleas and ticks

Frontline-kills fleas and ticks

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Q: What are three pesticides and what do they kill?
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Which fungus kills pesticides?

Fungus does not kill pesticides, pesticides (fungicide to be exact) kill fungus.

What pesticides are used to kill insect pests?

Pesticides are used to prevent, kill and repel pests. The pesticides used to kill insects are attractants, fumigants, insecticides, pheromones and repellents.

Why are pesticides used?

Pesticides are used in order to kill insects. If insects get on some types of vegetation, it can kill it.

What is an example sentence for pesticides?

An example sentence for pesticides would be...I watched the farmer put pesticides on his plants so it would kill insectsOr something like that!Don't pesticides kill insects?

How are pesticides bad?

Yes pesticides are some what bad because of what they do, they kill insects. They also go threw the ground and eventually end in water making pollution... Some of the insects that the pesticides kill are actually not going to hurt the plants that the pesticides are on in the first place. that means pesticides kill and pollute, does that sound very good. Pesticides are made from chemicals, bad ones at that and poison's in poison's out.

Is food better for your health with pesticides or without pesticides?

pesticides kill insects. Pesticides contain carcinogenic ingredients. Pesticides have warning lables that say not to inhale them or make contact with their skin. You do the math.

Why do famers use pesticides?

Famers use pesticides the keep their crops healthy and to kill pests

Slogans on pesticides?

pesticide, pesticides ....stop your self dont kill anyone let be everyone

What is the meaning of quick action pesticide?

Pesticides are chemicals which kill pests, generally insect pests. "Quick action" pesticides kill bugs quickly.

How can i combine these sentences - pesticides kill more than pests pesticides are dangerous chemicals?

Like this: Pesticides are dangerous chemicals, they kill more than pests. However, your English teacher may appreciate one of these two revisions: A category of dangerous chemicals known as pesticides can kill more than pests. This next revision incorporates the addition of an appositive Pesticides, a variety of dangerous chemicals, kill more than pests.

How do pesticides affect life?

Pesticides can affect life in many different ways. Pesticides help farmers increase their crop production. Pesticides can kill many types of insects and animals.

How does pesticides used on farms?

To kill bugs and insects