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Malleability, ductility, and high electrical and heat conductivity.

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Q: What are three physical properties that are most commonly associated with metals?
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Is ductile and malleable a chemical property or a physical property?

Ductility, the property of a substance to be drawn out into a thin wire is a physical property associated with some metals, such as gold, silver and copper.

What is an element whose physical properties are generally opposite to metals?

These chemical elements are nonmetals.

Why plutonium is a metal?

Because the general physical and chemical properties of plutonium are specific for metals.

What are some properties of mixed metals?

There are a number of physical properties that can be present in meted metals. These metals are often very dull in appearance for example.

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What are some physical properties of metalloids?

There are a number of physical properties that can be present in meted metals. These metals are often very dull in appearance for example.

What is a property of metals?

Physical properties of metals include: luster, malleability, and ductility. Chemical properties include: forming cations, and reacting with nonmetals to form ionic compounds.

What are the physical properties of metal?

the physical properties of metals include shininess malleability, ductility, and conductivity

Metals that share both physical and chemical properties are called?


What are the physical properties and chemical properties of elements and how are they grouped on the periodic table?

metals, non-metails and metalloids

What is A class of elements characterized by physical properties that include shininess malleability and conductivity?

Metals have those characteristics.