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Q: What are three reasons for divine rights?
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What was Divine Rights?

Rights that are God given.

Did the black popes take your divine rights away?

What do you mean by "Black Pope"? There have been three popes from Africa but it is unknown if any of them were black. None of them took away any divine rights. The Father General of the Jesuits is sometimes referred to as the Black Pope, mainly by the media. He is not a pope and has never taken away anyone's divine rights.

List three reasons the US economy was strong after the war?

civil rights

What does john Locke think about divine right?

He Never Believed in Divine Rights, He believed In natural Rights for the people Life, liberty and Poverty

What was the significance of divine right?

Divine right is the philosophy that God not man gives rights.

Who originated divine right theory?

Petition of Rights

Does the united states believe in the divine right theory?

United States does not believe in the divine right theory. According to the doctrine of the divine rights theory, only God is the one who can judge a king. During the glorious revolution, United States abandoned the divine rights theory.

What country was the the first to abolish the divine right of kings?

The divine rights of the kings meant king being given position of equivalence to the god, where his word will be the last word and in return he will always place his interst below that of welfare of his subjects. As the corruption increased, the concentration of power in hands of some rulers made them autocratic, so divine rights were separated by the political rights in Greece, where the divine rights were given to the oracles.

What was the theory of government origins that had little influence on the US plan of government was it force evolutionary divine rights or social contract?

Divine rights had little influence of the American system?

Three reasons why citizens may not take legal action against police if there rights are violated?

if the person is illegal in the country

Witch of these people believes in divine rights?


Why did the English start the war?

there was really 4 main reasons 1.puritans 2.divine rights of kings 3.parliament disagreements with the king 4.extra taxes (e.g ship taxes)