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Q: What are three reasons for the need of government and what would happen if there was no government?
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We would lose local control of local government functions.

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It would be total anarchy.

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What would happen if the government didnt exist?

we have freedom

What would happen if you were to abolish the government today?

the military rules

What will happen if you break the Chinese government?

they would probably kill you. :-(

What will happen if you didn't have government?

see: Zimbabwe there would be no order

What would happen if the government in Cuba fails?

freedom wins.

What would happen if any of the three government branches executive judicial or legislative were to greatly exceed its authority under the Constitution?

There would be abuse of power and corruption at all levels. The three branches of government have been designed and created to keep the "check and balances" system in place, exactly to prevent abuse and corruption from happening.