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because it looked like a peaceful place and for the finial solution. And for mass killings

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Q: What are three reasons the Nazis choose to use Terezin as a place to put prisoners?
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Why are 3 reasons why the Nazis choose to use Terezin as as a place to put prisoners?

because it looked like a peaceful place and for the finial solution. And for mass killings

Why did the Nazis use Terezin for prisoners?

The Nazis chose Terezin because it was a small secluded area away from Germany.

Where was the Terezin Concentration camp located?

Terezin (Theresienstadt) is about 60 km NW of Prague in the Czech Republic.

How did the Nazis use terezin to try to fool the internation red cross inspectors?

Before Red Cross inspectors arrived at the Terezin concentration camp, the Nazis staged the camp to look like a refugee town, placing prisoners at specific places and guiding the inspectors along a planned route. Shops were filled with fake stocks of goods and food to show the inspectors, none of which was normally present during day-to-day operations. After viewing the Nazi's performance at Terezin, the Red Cross concluded that there was nothing wrong.

What was Terezin before the Nazis turned it into a concentration camp?

i dont know please tell me!

What year did the Nazis start putting Jews into the TEREZIN concentration camp?

whe hitler took over

How did Nazis label the prisoners?

With jew stars

Were the Nazis correct in the treatment of the Jewish prisoners?


The Nazis said Jews were not citizens What was their new status after 1935?

they turned to prisoners for the nazis

What was the final solution and how did the Nazis create an efficient means to kill their prisoners?

The Nazis created and used the most efficient means to kill their prisoners by incinerating them. The Nazis had other final solutions such as starvation, beatings, rapes, and shootings.

What did the Nazis do to the prisoners of the camp?

The people who was fit to work was forced into labour working whiles most children was killed or experimented on ____________________ The Nazis were free to do almost whatever they wanted to the prisoners.

Why did the Nazis tattoo Jewish prisoners?

* It was permanent. * It was cheap. * It was degrading. * It helped the Nazis keep tabs on prisoners. Obviously, the tattooed numbers were only given to prisoners selected for work. Moreoever, it was used only at the Auschwitz group of camps.