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Oral cancer

Throat cancer

Yellowing of the teeth

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u nna be trippin brah

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Q: What are the side effects of quitting smokeless tobacco?
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Side effects of tobacco?

there are a lot of side effects. cancer and acne would be two of them.

Side effects of quiting sariqil?

Trouble in sleeping and risk of death in elderly people with memory loss are some of the side effects of quitting sariqil.

What are the side effects of Tylnol3 when quitting?

Did you mean Tylenol? I think you take it only when you have a headache, not regularly. There shouldn't be any side effects because you "quit."

What are the side effects of smokless tobacco?

mouth sores

Is One of the side effects of smoking or chewing tobacco is bad breath?


How do the harmful effects of marijuana compare to the effects of smoked tobacco?

No. Tobacco kills people, weed has never killed anyone. Weed gets you high, tobacco just makes you addicted with nicotine. tobacco causes cancer, weed treats cancer. tobacco can only be smoked or chewed by a person, weed plants can be consumed, or used to make things like paper, clothes, rope, concrete, fuel and more. Tobacco is legal, weed is illegal.

How long do side effects last when quitting lexapro cold turkey?

not sure, but i suggest gradually weaning yourself off (i.e. half your dosage, take it every other day, etc.)

What side effects exist in gum/patches?

Some advice for people who want to stop smoking would be to keep at it. Quitting is really difficult to do, but don't give up and get discouraged if don't succeed right away. Some possible side effects for gum are hiccups, gum disease, and muscle control. Patches can irritate the skin.

How do you quit smoking without any side effects?

Vaporization is a healthier alternative to smoke. Vaporizer allows you to enjoy the same stimulation - or more -as does smoking, but without many of the unwanted side effects. Imagine the smoker vaporizing the tobacco instead of smoking it. When tobacco is smoked, the plant itself is burned. These burning release carcinogenic and other toxic substances, such as tar and carbon monoxide. In contrast, when tobacco is vaporized, it releases only its active element - nicotine - in the form of an inhalable aerosol.

How long do the side affects of quitting smoking last?

The side the effects of nicotine withdraw should not last more then 5 days. Usually nicotine leave your body about 2-24 hours after stop smoking. The craving get less and less day by day.

What are the harmful effects of tobacco?

Chewing tobacco contains the drug nicotine, which is proven to be very addicting. Other side effects include minor nuisances like bad breath, yellow teeth, frequent salivation, but can also lead to more serious conditions like gum disease and mouth/throat cancer.

How many tobacco deaths per day?

The side-effects of prolonged and abusive use of tobacco products can result in a small variety of health situations that would translate to 2547.94 deaths per day.