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Q: What are three technological innovations were developed during the northern renaissance?
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What important method was developed by northern Renaissance artist?

Oil Painting was developed by Northern Renaissance Artist.

What kind of painting was developed in the Northern Renaissance?

oil painting

Who was the Northern Renaissance artist who developed oil painting techniques?

Jan Van Eyck

Which northern painter developed varnish during the renaissance period?

J Van Eyke

How did the Renaissance develop in northern Northern Europe?

It developed many ways. One way was the protestant reformation and also the the new advances in geographical and science.

Where did the Northern Renaissance begin?

== The Southern Renaissance, or Italian Renaissance, began in Florence, in the northern part if Italy. The Northern Renaissance began somewhere in Northern parts like Germany.

How does the northern renaissance differ from the southern renaissance?

The northern renaissance focused more on religious themes and realism, while the southern renaissance placed greater emphasis on classical Roman and Greek influences, particularly in art and architecture. The northern renaissance was characterized by the use of oil paint and attention to detail in works, while the southern renaissance embraced a more idealized and harmonious vision of the world.

How did the Renaissance spread to northern Europe?

The renaissance spread to northern Europe by, when the renaissance started in Italy spread over to northern Europe and lands on the Middle East and Africa.

What The difference between the northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance?

One is Northern and the other is Italian :)

How did renaissance spread to northern Europe?

The renaissance spread to northern Europe by, when the renaissance started in Italy spread over to northern Europe and lands on the Middle East and Africa.

Where did northern Renaissance painters get their inspiration?

The Northern Renaissance artists, however, were scattered about and few in number initially.

What makes Italian and Northern Renaissance the same?

They are not the same. Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance painting styles break with preceding styles but in different ways.