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There are five things:

  • Color change
  • odor
  • state change (from liquid to solid, liquid to gas, etc...),
  • gives off at precipitate
  • a temperature change
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Q: What are three things that show evidence of a chemical reaction?
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What are 3 things that show evidence of a chemical reaction?

- change of color - change of odor - release of a gas - change of the temperature - change of the viscosity - formation of a precipitate - change of general appearance - possible explosion - possible chemiluminiscence - formation of new compounds

What Three Things can happen when a Chemical Reaction occur?

A chemical reaction can change a substance into a solid, liquid, or gas. It may cause a substance to explode or could cause no change at all.

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The type of chemical reaction that takes place through the formation of the rubber is called the mechano-chemical reaction. Through this, it gives the end product a three dimensional structure.

What are three facts about a chemical reaction are provided by a chemical equation?

1. formulas of reactants and products2. amounts of reactants and products3. sense of the reaction

What Three Things Stay The Same Before And After A Chemical Reaction?

The mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of the products.The atomic nucleus reamain unchanged in chemicals involved.

What are three things that will slow-down the rate of a chemical reaction?

There are three things that can slow down a chemical reaction. You can have an inhibitor, something that is used to decrease the rate of a reaction, you can decrease the temp. making it colder, and decreasing the surface area (it takes longer for something to dissolve like a whole sugar cube, when it takes only a matter or seconds for a spoon full of sugar to dissolve). Hope that helped! If you need any more help, just comment.

Give three things you might see if a chemical reaction takes place?

There are many observations that may occur when a chemical reaction takes place. Some of the things are:- Change of colour, change of temperature change of state. These can be observed by the features below There might be a change in colour when mixing the reactants; the vessel in which the reaction is taking place might get warm on the outside or cold depending on the type of reaction. There may be effervescence or fizzing with gas production; a precipitate may form.

What is polymerisation reaction?

Polymerisation is a process of reacting monomer molecules together in a chemical reaction to form three-dimensional networks or polymer chains.

What are three things that chemical equations can tell you about a chemical reaction?

A chemical equation tells you what substances are reacting, what substances are produced and, in a balanced equation, provides the coefficients to tell us in what ratio the substances react or are produced.

What are three factors of the speed at which a chemical reaction happens?

temperature presence or absence of a catalyst concentration of reactants

What are Three things all living things need?

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