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AKA: How is this religion different from all other religions?

1) Judaism is truly monotheistic. And the first religion to be so. No 3 in 1 gods, no holy spooky ghosts.

2) Judaism is a religion of life. In most religions there is a notion that thoughts can be bad, or wrong. In Judaism only actions can be wrong. If you have bad / impure / hateful thoughts, but act justly, then you're a good person. In addition, all the laws of Judaism relate to how to live and act, not what to think. As a prime example think of the 10 commandments. Those are ours! Thou shall not …. All of these are actions. Thou shall … again actions. Even the commandment Thou shall put no other gods before me, again an action, albeit an internal one.

3) Judaism is the ONLY religion that does not damn others for disbelief. Jews do not believe Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, or even Satanists will go to hell. So long as they act justly to others, ALL people will go to heaven. In fact, the notion of damnation is rightly on the shoulders of Christians. Jew's don't even believe that a hell exists, aside from maybe Duluth.

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Judaism doesn't have a central prophet. That being said, the greatest prophet in Judaism was Moshe (Moses) because of his unique relationship with HaShem.

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Abrahamis the first of the three patriarchs of Judaism.

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The three major religions in Europe include Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Of the three, Judaism is the oldest.

Which of these types of beliefs made Judaism unique?

monotheism (belief in one god)

When is the worship of Judaism?

Worship in Judaism is every day, three times a day.

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There are three sects of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative and Reform.