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1. loss of habitat

2. loss of usable ( non polluted ) resources.

3. i don't know if it is still a big problem, but pesticides have this chemical in them that weakens the egg shells on the eggs of bald eagles. this made the eggs super prone to breaking, which greatly reduces population of the bird.

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Q: What are three ways that bald eagles are going extinct?
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What were humans doing that made bald eagles extinct?

Bald Eagles are not extinct.

Why were Bald Eagles extincted?

the government keeps them to produce more.

Why are bald eagles extinct?

They're not.

Are bald eagles almost extinct?


Are bald eagles nearly extinct?

not even close.becuase there not endangered.

Are bald eagles close to being extinct?

No, not at all. why do whoever asked that ask that. no offense.

What would happen to rain forest if bald eagle extinct?

Absolutely nothing, since Bald Eagles don't live in rainforests.

How was the bald eagle going extinct?


What are three examples of why bald eagles are endangered?

The bald eagle is no longer an endangered species.

What would be the potential damage to the environment be if bald eagles were to become extinct?

Bald eagles are important both as predators and as scavengers. Their extinction would result in the spread of disease and the unsafe rising of herd populations.

What are they doing about bald eagles becoming extinct?

The bald eagle is no longer a threatened species. After a truly remarkable comeback, it is now listed as "Least Concern".

How does extinction of bald eagles affect other species?

Bald Eagles are at the top of their food chain and if they go extinct then the animals beneath them on the food chain will overpopulate areas that have no other birds of prey besides the eagle.