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Bald Eagles are at the top of their food chain and if they go extinct then the animals beneath them on the food chain will overpopulate areas that have no other Birds of Prey besides the eagle.

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Q: How does extinction of bald eagles affect other species?
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Can humans affect extinction?

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Identify three ways the extinction of one species affect other organisms?

environmental changes, predators , diseases , competition !

Are there bald eagles in the African grasslands?

No, Bald Eagles are an American species. However, there are Eagles of other species in the African grasslands.

Are eagles found in Antarctica?

Eagles are not found in Antarctica. Eagles do live in all other regions around the world. There are close to 60 species of eagles. There are two species that live in the North America.

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How did the extinction affect other members of the habitat?

The extinction of a species can have cascading effects on other members of the habitat. It can disrupt food chains and ecological interactions, leading to imbalances and potential population declines for other species that relied on the extinct species as a food source or for some other ecological role. The loss of one species can create a ripple effect, impacting the overall biodiversity and stability of the ecosystem.

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It frees up ecological niches for other species.

What would eat an eagle?

eagles have no natural predator's, but eagles have been know to attack and kill other eagles depending on circumstances and species.

What affect do humans have on speciation?

As part of the environment of other organisms humans can have great effects on speciation. Especially adaptive radiation. As we contribute heavily to the extinction of some species other species flow into those open niches and radiate outwards to possible speciation.

When two species use the same resource one species may drive the other to extinction?

competitive exclusion

What is the difference between extinction and extirpation?

Extinction is when a species is completely gone from everywhere on Earth. Extirpation is when a species is completely gone from one area, but still exists in other parts of the world.

How might extinction of one species throw an ecosystem into turmoil?

An extinction of one species could destroy an ecosystem if an animal depended on the extinct animal for food. Then that animal would die off, which could affect even more animals.