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Extinction is when a species is completely gone from everywhere on Earth. Extirpation is when a species is completely gone from one area, but still exists in other parts of the world.

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Q: What is the difference between extinction and extirpation?
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What is extirpation?

Extirpation is just another word for extinction that has occurred to one specific geographical area. However, while the species may be extinct in one place it is still existing elsewhere. This could also be considered to be the beginning or first start to extinction.

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By the original law of nations, war and extirpation were the punishment of injury.

What are some examples of extirpation?

Beavers and sea cows are examples of extirpation.

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Extinction refers to complete eradication of a species such as the Warrah or Dinosaurs (things that no longer exist), whereas an endangered species is merely under threat of eventual extinction, but is not there yet, like a panda or a California Condor.

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Mass extinction is when many animals go extinct within a short period of time caused by the same variables/factors leading to the mass extinction.

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Current population estimates range between 2,500-3,000 pairs. it is under threat of extinction - endangered.

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When the last member of a species dies is said to have occurred.?

the answer to the question is extinction