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Q: What are tiny nubs of raised skin cells called?
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Are the cells that form a protective covering around an animal's entire body called skin cells?

yes the correct answer is skin cells.

Cells of the skin that are active in the immune process are called?

Langerhans Cells

Can you pop chicken skin?

Chicken skin is simply raised skin. It cannot be popped. It is also called goose bumps or goose flesh.

The outermost layer of your skin is a layer of dead skin cells?

Yes its called the Epidermis.

What layer of skin that contains the blood vessels and nerves closest to the surface of of the skin is?

The upper layer of the skin is called the 'epidermis'. In birds, it contains no nerve cells, and their Merkel cells are located in the dermis. However, in most animals it contains a scattering of nerve cells called Merkel cells, located at the basal layer. The middle layer of the skin is called the 'dermis.' It contins blood vessels, most of the nerve cells, and other structures. The lower layer of the skin is called the 'sub-cutis' and mostly contains fat.

What cells produce the pigment is skin?

The skin contains different cells and tissues. For instance, it contains specialized cells called the melanocytes that produce melanin. Melanin is responsible for giving the skin its color.

What is a group of epethelial cells called?

Epithelial tissue: commonly called Skin.

What type of cells make up your skin?

Most of the skin is composed of the dermis which is made up mostly of dense irregular connect tissue. The cells about it are dead cells called the epidermis.

What is the name for the cancer of the skin's pigment producing cells?

The cells that produce color (melanin) in the skin can become cancerous and this cancer is called melanoma.

Which layer of skin is true skin?

The dermis is often called the true skin. It has a layer over it called the epidermis and one below it that has a lot of fat cells. That is called the subcutaneous layer. (cutaneous means skin).

What is the skin cancer called that comes from the layer of skin that replenishes the shed epithelial cells?

squamous carcinoma

Skin is made of dead cells?

yes your skin is made up of dead skin cells. Eventually, removing them will be mandatory.