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Q: What are tissues that plants use to take water from soil?
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What is tissues that plants use to take water from soil?

Root hairs and or symbiotic mycorrhiza.

What does take or absorb water from soil?

The roots of plants is what which helps the plants to absorb water and other nutrients from soil.

Does vascular tissues allow plants to take in water and nutrients?


How do plants take water from the soil?

through their roots.

What would plants take from the soil?

nutrients and water

Can soil take in water from its surroundings?

Yes, this is why plants can live in soil but not on solid rock.

How do plants get the nitrogen they need?

From the soil by the roots or fixation from the air

What are the two kinds of conducting tissues?

There are two kinds of conducting tissues that are found in plants. They are xylem and phloem. They take in water and minerals for the plant.

Does seeds take in water and nutrients from the soil?

yes, they would die without either of them. Practically all plants and seeds need water and soil.

How does water and soil help plants grow?

Soil and water help a plant grow because when the roots take up the water from the soil,some of it's minerals have dissolved in the water giving the plant nutrients. Water also helps the plants make food using the process photosynthesis.

What tissue that plants use to take water from soil?

Root hairs and or symbiotic mycorrhiza.

Explain how capillary action works in plants?

Although you may use water to help get sticky substances such as syrup off your hands, water itself is actually sticky. Water molecules not only stick to each other, but water also sticks to grass, cloth, organic tissues, soil, and paper towels. Plants take advantage of water's stickiness to organic tissues and soil. This movement occurs when the adhesion (the force that attracts the water to other objects) is stronger than the cohesion (the force between the water molecules). Water molecules are naturally attracted to each other. This attraction comes from the temporary hydrogen bonds that they form.