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Evergreen trees lose only a few old leaves at a time.

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Q: What are trees with a little at a time of leaves fall off?
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Why doesnt evergreen trees lose there leaves?

Evergreen trees also loose their leaves one by one. Since all the leaves do not fall at the same time we do not notice this kind of leaf fall.

When do Pin Oak trees lose there leaves?

in the fall. most trees loose their leaves in the fall.

What happens to leaves as they fall from the trees?

they hit the ground while farting and screaming at the same time

During which time of the year the trees shed lots of leaves?

Autumn (fall) is the season when deciduous tree shed their leaves in the north.

What do you think happens to the plants and animals in autumn?

All trees are perennial. Deciduous trees drop their leaves in the Autumn. Evergreens do not drop them at any specific time of year.

Why do deciduos trees lose there leaves?

the pollen and air from the oxygen at this time of year makes the leaves dry up. this makes the roots loose their "hold" of the leaves and the leaves fall

What are tree that lose their leaves?

All trees loose their leaves. Some do so a little at a time and are called "evergreen trees." Other trees loose their leaves all at once, usually in the autumn,, so the loss is very noticeable. These are called deciduous trees.

Do pine trees lose their leaves in winter?

No, pine trees do not have leaves. They have pine needles that have a waxy coat on them. People refer to them as pine leaves sometimes, but that isn't what they are.

When does oak tree lose their leaves?

Yes Oak trees are deciduous and lose their leaves in the fall. Most of the time they simply turn brown and fall off but there are a couple varieties of oak that the leaves turn a deep burgundy color before they fall.

What tree leaves don't fall off the tree?

Trees that do not loose their leaves are called Evergreens as opposed to Deciduous or those that do loose their leaves in the autumn/winter. Examples of Evergreens are Conifers- blue spruce, cedar- holly, oak.

Does lack of water cause leaves fall off plant?

Generally the answer is "Yes, lack of water causes leaf fall", but an equally important reason is the approach of Winter. The leaves of some trees are able to withstand frozen conditions because their leaves are tough and shiny or needle-like. Such trees are called "evergreens" for that reason. But "deciduous trees usually have leaves with a greater surface area, and are more fragile. Such trees conserve water and food by removing it from the leaves, which causes them to change colour and fall off. We call that time "Autumn" but the Americans call it "Fall" when they appreciate the many rich colours of the tree leaves just before they are due to "fall".

Why do leaves fell down from trees in autumn?

As Autumn progresses, leaves die. they've had their life course in summer and spring, so its time for their joinings to come weak and fall.