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When mix with oxygen, the other fuel component of the main engines, the burning hydrogen produces a large amount of thrust to push the rocket.

Later inflight and just prior to engine shutdown, the oxygen is shut-off prior to oxygen. This sequence allows the rocket engine to shut down safely, as in the absence of oxygen, hydrogen is difficult to ignite by the hot metal surface of the exhaust fins.

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Q: What are two advantages of NASA using hydrogen as a fuel for the space shuttle?
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Problem? None, it is an awesome fuel. There are dangers, but no fuel as safe for the power. Any fuel can explode. This is easier to deal with and control then most others.

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They never used Explorer. It was built as a replica to allow people to see inside a Space Shuttle at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida. It has since been moved to Houston.

How do they get into space?

In a space shuttle usually but now that has been decommisioned the only way to get into space is to build your own (safe) space craft or go to Russia where you can get into space using their space craft.