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Chitin is both strong and flexible. As such, it is an excellent substance for reinforcing the structure of fungal cell walls and arthropod exoskeletons.

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13y ago

Two characteristics of chitin that make it a good material is that it protects from damage (flexible, like insects, or extremely hard, like crustaceans) and is waterproof.

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What are the primary characteristics of arthropods?

Arthropod characteristics include segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

What are two characteristics of chitin that make it a good material for exoskeleton and wings?

Chitin has two notably good qualities as an exoskeleton. Since it is a type of protein, it is relatively easy for arthropods to make. And it is quite tough. Its properties are similar to the protein keratin, which is used by mammals for making hair, nails, and horns.

What ' are the characteristics arthropods?

Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

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If you're going to be classified as an arthropod, you'd need to have a segmented body, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

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Arthropods are animals characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

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Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

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Chitin is the polysaccharide found in the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeletons of arthropods.

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What are features are characteristics of arthropods?

Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

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What are 3 characteristics of Arthropods?

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The exoskeleton of an arthropod is?

composed of chitin