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Migraine headaches have a variety of possible causes. Stress is one of the most common causes of migraines. Another common cause is sensory stimuli. Loud noises, flashing lights and unusual smells are usually the source of it.

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Q: What are two common causes of migraine headaches?
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What research has been done on migraine headache?

Two groups of Italian researchers have recently identified two loci on human chromosomes 1 and 14 respectively that are linked to migraine headaches.

If a person has a really bad headache and sees auras what type of headache do they have?

Intense headaches which involve auras indicate migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are a neurological disorder involving inflammation of the nerves and blood vessels in the brain. Migraine pain is usually on one side of the head and is throbbing or stabbing in nature. Not all migraines have auras; common migraine is migraine without aura, classic migraine is considered migraine with aura. Each episode can last anywhere from 4-72 hours and can be set off by many things. People who have auras, which refers to a temporary visual disturbance, usually have them right before the pain sets in or early in the headache. Each patient has their own unique set of migraine triggers. Finding out what your triggers are can help you minimize how many migraines you get. If you are getting more than two a month, you qualify to receive preventative medication.

What is the medical term for everyday headaches?

No. It is not normal to have a migraine every day. It is important, however, to be sure that you are correct in your self-diagnosis. Migraine is a very specific type of headache. It is possible to have daily migraines. Your doctor can help you determine if you do, indeed, have chronic daily migraine headaches. If you do, there are medications that can decrease the number of attacks you have, and other medications that can be fairly effective at stopping the migraines you continue to have with treatment. Two more common cause of daily headaches are (1) withdrawal and (2) rebound headaches. Withdrawal headaches can occur whenever your body is hungering for any number of drugs or substances. Going too long without your daily dose of caffeine or nicotine can trigger a headache as your body tries to tell you that it is time to dose up. These must be addressed by slowly decreasing your intake of that substance, a process sometimes known as "detoxification" or "detox". Rebound headaches are similar, but happen in response to withdrawal from an anti-headache medicine. These classically occur during withdrawal from narcotics, but are actually more common as a result of withdrawal from ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and other over-the-counter headache medications.

What kinds of migraine headache are there?

the major types are migraine with aura and migraine without aura. hemiplegic migraine, abdominal migraine. retinal migraine, ophthalmoplegic migraine and basilar artery migraine are the other varieties..

What sickness involves front lobe headaches slight blurred vision and small amounts of clear acid vomit?

The two most likely causes would be a hangover or a migraine. If in doubt, see your GP/family doctor.

What genes may be associated with migraine?

two loci on human chromosomes 1 and 14 respectively that are linked to migraine headaches. The locus on chromosome 1q23 has been linked to familial hemiplegic migraine type 2, while the locus on chromosome 14q21 is associated with migraine without aura

What causes temple pain headache which travels across above eyes and forehead area which occurs about same time daily?

It's impossible to tell for sure what kind of headache you are describing. There are many different types of headaches, and proper treatment is dependent on the type you are experiencing. The most common headaches are Tension and Migraine. Migraine is usually one sided, and tension is two sided and frequently comes at the same time each day. Temporal arteritis is an infrequent cause of severe head pain in the temple region, but is usually one sided. For best results, see a headache specialist who is specially trained to diagnose and treat headaches.

Why are women prone to more migraine headaches?

Women are more prone to migraine headaches because the hormonal changes a women's body goes through can often trigger a migraine headache. This mainly involves the sharp decline in estrogen, the release of prostaglandins, and a deficiency in magnesium during the menstrual cycle. It is not limited to this, however, as the beginning of menopause and pregnancy are two other times women can become more likely to be triggered by migraines.

Does exercise help a headache?

Physical exertion or exercise can trigger certain types of headaches. There are over 100 different headache disorders. See your physician or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders.

What are the treatments for migraine headaches?

Migraines are four times more common in women than in men. Typically onset is at puberty and they typically deminish at menopause. Migraines can but are not always worsened around the two days before and the first two days of menstruation, this causes spasms in the blood vessels at the base of the neck and can be responsible for severe headaches. Low adrenal function and low thyroid can also be the cause of migraines. Natural, bioidentical, transdermal estrogen and prescription strength natural progesterone in olive oil frequently relieves severe hormone related headaches. Unique uses of medications in combination with natural treatments can be very effective in eliminating migraines. A complete laboratory analysis can tell us which of many variables may be causing your migraines and a customized profile utilizing the latest medical advancements will be implemented to resolve migraine reoccurences.

Do people ever get hospitalized for migraines if so why?

People do get hospitalized for migraine headaches. The two main reasons people are admitted for a hospital stay for migraines are when the person's migraine continues longer than 72 hours and when the nausea and vomiting are unable to be controlled, which can cause severe dehydration. 1. When a person's migraine lasts longer than 72 hours that person is in status migrainous. The person will be admitted to the hospital to try and break the migraine cycle with IV medication. It is not just about controlling the symptoms, but about stopping the entire migraine process. 2. When a migraine causes extended nausea and vomiting, not only is a person unable to take medication by mouth which might help end the migraine, but they can become severely dehydrated. Many times the emergency department can help this by administering anti-nausea medications and rehydrating via IV. But in rare instance, it will take more than a liter or two of saline. Admission to the hospital becomes more common if the person has another medical problem that requires medication or food, such as diabetes or a seizure disorder.

Common Headaches And How To Stop Them?

Headaches have numerous types and triggers. There are stress headaches and spinal headaches, cluster headaches and migraines. They may be caused by tension, temperature or too much exercise. The trick to ridding yourself of troublesome headaches often depends on your understanding of how, when and why they occur. The most common type of headache is the tension headache. Often felt in the back of the head and upper neck, these headaches are generally caused by emotional or physical stress. Tension headaches rarely affect your quality of life. While uncomfortable, you are able to function normally. Over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen will generally vanquish the pain. A cluster headache is a whole different breed. These headaches come in waves, sometimes lasting for months at a time. With a duration of 30 to 90 minutes an episode and occurring two to three times a day, cluster headaches can be incredibly frustrating. The pain is intense and located around one or both eyes. Cluster headaches are a mystery to modern medicine, but it is suggested they may have a genetic cause, as they tend to run in families. High levels of oxygen or prescription migraine medication may be beneficial during an episode. Over-the-counter medication tends to have no effect. Migraine headaches can severely affect your quality of life. The pain is incredible. A migraine can last for days or even weeks. There are many triggers, making it difficult to isolate the true cause of the headache. Migraines can be attributed to certain food or drink, drastic temperature changes, overexertion, dehydration, sensitivity to certain lighting (such as exposure to strobes) or even sleep disturbances. Identifying and avoiding these triggers can prevent migraines. Prescription prophylactic medications can help stop the migraine before it starts, provided you are able to recognize the headache coming on. Many people report seeing flashing lights or having trouble forming words in the hour or so before the pain arrives. Headaches are no fun, but learning their triggers and causes may help you to avoid the headaches altogether. If the headache is the worst you have ever experienced, call your doctor. This could be a sign of stroke or other underlying medical condition.