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Women are more prone to migraine headaches because the hormonal changes a women's body goes through can often trigger a migraine headache. This mainly involves the sharp decline in estrogen, the release of prostaglandins, and a deficiency in magnesium during the menstrual cycle. It is not limited to this, however, as the beginning of menopause and pregnancy are two other times women can become more likely to be triggered by migraines.

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Yes. It is listed with other gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and nausea on many websites. Google "migraine" + "diarrhea" to read more about it.

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Do headaches affect a certain population?

Some headache types do affect certain populations more. Migraine more often affects women. Cluster Headache is most common in men. It would help if you could be more specific in your question - what type of headache? Which population?

What is the medical term for everyday headaches?

No. It is not normal to have a migraine every day. It is important, however, to be sure that you are correct in your self-diagnosis. Migraine is a very specific type of headache. It is possible to have daily migraines. Your doctor can help you determine if you do, indeed, have chronic daily migraine headaches. If you do, there are medications that can decrease the number of attacks you have, and other medications that can be fairly effective at stopping the migraines you continue to have with treatment. Two more common cause of daily headaches are (1) withdrawal and (2) rebound headaches. Withdrawal headaches can occur whenever your body is hungering for any number of drugs or substances. Going too long without your daily dose of caffeine or nicotine can trigger a headache as your body tries to tell you that it is time to dose up. These must be addressed by slowly decreasing your intake of that substance, a process sometimes known as "detoxification" or "detox". Rebound headaches are similar, but happen in response to withdrawal from an anti-headache medicine. These classically occur during withdrawal from narcotics, but are actually more common as a result of withdrawal from ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and other over-the-counter headache medications.

Do you have an headache?

No, I have no migraine as I am not vulnerable psychologically. Some times I will get simple head ache. If I believe it is migraine, the recurrence will be more and very often.

What kinds of migraine headache are there?

the major types are migraine with aura and migraine without aura. hemiplegic migraine, abdominal migraine. retinal migraine, ophthalmoplegic migraine and basilar artery migraine are the other varieties..

Are headaches on one side of the head rare in pregnant women?

A headache on one side of the head, especially in women, is most likely a migraine. It is normal for some women to have more migraines during pregnancy while others have less; this does not indicate any serious problem. Source:

3 Ayurvedic Foods to Reduce Migraine Pain?

Many people suffer from headaches daily. They might interrupt your daily life from uncomfortable to unbearable. Tension headaches are the most prevalent form…Read More

If a person has a really bad headache and sees auras what type of headache do they have?

Intense headaches which involve auras indicate migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are a neurological disorder involving inflammation of the nerves and blood vessels in the brain. Migraine pain is usually on one side of the head and is throbbing or stabbing in nature. Not all migraines have auras; common migraine is migraine without aura, classic migraine is considered migraine with aura. Each episode can last anywhere from 4-72 hours and can be set off by many things. People who have auras, which refers to a temporary visual disturbance, usually have them right before the pain sets in or early in the headache. Each patient has their own unique set of migraine triggers. Finding out what your triggers are can help you minimize how many migraines you get. If you are getting more than two a month, you qualify to receive preventative medication.

Is migraine diet plan necessary for excessive migraine?

It's not necessary, but it will certainly help if you experience migraines on a frequent basis. Things like sodium can lead to headaches and migraines, so you might feel a lot better if you regulate these things more carefully.