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Q: What are two consequences of cheating on a test?
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What are two possible consequences of cheating on an exam?

Two possible consequences of cheating on an exam are: Getting caught by the teacher Getting suspended or expelled

What happens if you are caught cheating on a urine test?

If you are caught cheating in a urine test you might have to face some consequences. These consequences involve barring from taking part in any event. It can also lead to a police case as well.

Why do children think its worth getting caught cheating on a test?

Because they want instant gratification and they probably have no boundaries or consequences at home.

What are the consequences of cheating on homework?

A bad grade for not doing the workSuspension for cheatingExpulsion for cheating

What should you do if a teacher takes your phone?

You do not have many choices. If your teacher sees your phone while you are taking a test, the teacher is probably going to assume you are cheating. If you are cheating, simply take whatever consequences your teacher has for it. You could try to talk your way out of it, but it would probably make the situation worse for you. If you truly were not cheating, then you could attempt to explain that to your teacher, but there would most likely be some consequences for having your phone out at all, especially during a test.

Is there a relationship test for cheating girlfriends?

There is no test to take that will tell you if your girlfriend is cheating on you are not. Girls all act differently and the fact is she is either cheating or not and no test can 100% tell you.

Does cheating on a test seem bad?

Yes, cheating on a test is wrong and the only person who suffers for it is you.

What are the consequences of cheating spouse?

Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.

What does cheating mean in Spanish?

Cheating (as in cheating on a test) is: plagio and copiar. It can also be: hacer trampa.

What are the effects of cheating in exams?

The effect of cheating in exams is not just morally wrong because it is in essence telling a lie but there are also other consequences such as expulsion. Consequences are determined by the rules set forth by administrators.

Is cheating on a test a moral issue?

Cheating on a test can be considered a moral issue because it involves dishonesty and deception, which can harm both the individual cheating and others impacted by their actions. It goes against values such as integrity, fairness, and respect for rules and agreements.

What are the consequences if you don't use goggles right?

the consequences are your teacher will know you've been cheating on your homework by getting people on the internet to do it for you.