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True tea is made exclusively from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis).

Herbal tea is made from any plant other than Camellia sinensis.


True tea can only be produced in the specific range of climates where the tea plant grows. These climates must have high rainfall and mild winters. The plant does best in subtropical climates with cool but not cold winters, and where the summer is the wet season, although it can be grown somewhat outside these ranges.

Herbal teas can be produced virtually anywhere where plants grow, from the tropics to very cold regions. The types of herbs that can be grown vary regionally, but most places where humans live have a climate suitable for growing certain plants for herbal teas.

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Q: What are two differences between a true tea and herbal tea?
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What is herbal tea made of?

Herbal tea is an herbal infusion not made from the leaves of tea bush. Here in herbal you won't find any caffeine. In addition to serving as a beverage, herbal teas are also consumed for their medicinal benefits. Basically i prefer chamomile tea which is one of the herbal tea especially for their stimulant, relaxant or seductive properties.

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no, its an herbal tea.

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Here are some brands of herbal slimming teas: Good Earth Slimming Tea, Super Herbal Ultra Slim Tea, 21st Century Herbal Slimming Tea, Ultra Slim Tea, and China Slim Tea Extra Strength.

Where can you buy herbal teas?

At the herbal tea store.

Can you use roots in tea?

True tea is typically not made from roots--only from leaves, buds, and rarely stems (as in the Japanese green tea called kukicha).Many herbal teas, however, are made from the roots of various plants. This is true both of herbal teas consumed as a beverage, and those used for medicinal purposes. A few examples of plants whose roots are commonly used in herbal teas include ginger, ginseng, and licorice.

What is leaf tea?

"Real" tea made from tea leaves as opposed to herbal tea.

Is herbal tea A BASE?

No, it is a kind of tea that like if you are sick and want to get better just go buy that herbal tea! it will make you good as new.

Is spearmint tea a herbal tea?

Yes, spearmint tea is a herbal tea. It is an aromatic herb of the mint family, the common garden mint widely used for the culinary purposes.

What tea is the strongest?

peppermint tea is the strongest tea iv'e ever had

Is camomille a tea?

camomile tea is an herbal tea made from the camomile plant.

What were 2 popular herbal remedies in early medicine?

2 popular herbal medicines are green tea and yellow tea.