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Q: What are two disadvantages of using plastics?
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Advantages and disadvantages of plastics?

Plastics are cheap and can be molded into many things. One drawback to using plastics is they harm the environment.

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What are 2 disadvantages of using plastic?

But synthetic polymers have caused some problems, too. Many of the disadvantages of using plastics come from the same properties that make them so useful. For example, it is often cheaper to throw plastics away and make new ones than it is to reuse them. As a result, plastics increase the volume of trash.

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If you mean "as part of the machine" instead of "use the machine to work the plastic": The only real disadvantage is when the plastic chosen is the wrong one for the application, or if the part should have been made from something else instead. In some cases, plastics are exactly what you want to use.

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