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Q: What are two examples of circumpolar constallations?
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Are there circumpolar constellations on the equator?

No there are no circumpolar constellations on the equator.

How many constellations are circumpolar?

There's no answer to this question, because the definition of circumpolar depends on where you are. If you're at the pole, all the constellations you can see are circumpolar. If you're on the equator, there are no circumpolar constellations.

What is a circumpolar current?

A circumpolar current is a type of current that can be found in the Antarctic region. A circumpolar current moves in a clockwise rotation.

When is a circumpolar constellation visible?

"Circumpolar" means it is always above the horizon.

Is Gemini ever circumpolar If so then at what latitude and compass direction would Gemini be a circumpolar constellation?

gemini is not circumpolar. the circumpolar constellations for the northern hemisphere are Cassiopeia. Ursa Minor, Draco, Cepheus, and Ursa Major.

What is special about circumpolar stars?

A circumpolar star never sets below your horizon.

When was Inuit Circumpolar Council created?

Inuit Circumpolar Council was created in 1977.

Do constellation come out every night?

do constallations come out everyday

How did ancient cultulres group the stars in the sky?

In the form of constallations.

What is circumpolar when is it visible and list two circumpolar constellations?

At the poles half the sky is circumpolar all the time but you only get to see the stars in winter. They seem to go round a vertical axis. In typical northern hemisphere places constellations like Ursa Minor, Draco, Cassiopeia, Perseus and Cepheus are cirumpolar. If you go to North Norway other constellations like Gemini are circumpolar. It depends on your latitude.

What did they name constallations?

constallations are nothing but groups of stars in which their number is countable(accurately) and form definite shapes. for example some of them bear the shape of aries,scorpion zodiac signs etc. their no is countable.