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1mo ago
  1. One example of irony in "Pygmalion" is when Eliza learns proper speech and manners, yet Henry Higgins fails to recognize her newfound sophistication and continues to treat her as a subordinate.

  2. Another example of irony is when Eliza's transformation into a refined lady is met with criticism and rejection by high society, highlighting the superficiality of class distinctions.

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Q: What are two examples of irony in the book Pygmalion by George benard shaw?
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Verbal irony is when a character says something directly contradictory. There are many examples in Fahrenheit 451.

Do you have any examples of sentences using irony?

Sure! Here's an example: "The fire station burned down." This statement is ironic because fire stations are supposed to prevent fires, not be destroyed by them.

Can you give examples of verbal and situational irony?

Verbal Irony is like sarcasm and like situational irony just spoken. Situational irony is when the opposite occurs than what you expect to happen. Some examples are: the on duty police man was pulled over for speeding.

What are some examples of irony in The Lottery by shirley Jackson?

i have no clue.

Verbal irony examples?

An ambulance driver speeding receives a speeding ticket. A parent tells their messy child, "Wow, your room is so clean!" A teacher fails a spelling test. A person waiting in a long line comments, "This is moving at lightning speed."

Examples of irony use in figure of speech?

Irony is used to hide the true meaning of what is really wanted to be said. You're incredibly beautiful, it has been said to an ugly woman is an example of irony.

What are some situational irony examples in of mice and men?

There are many examples of situational irony in Of Mice and Men. One example of situational iron is the fact that the bigger guy is the more emotional one.

Is there any Irony in 'A Separate Peace'?

Yes; there are multiple examples of irony in "A Separate Peace." However, I will let you discover them without my assistance.