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regulation and homeostasis

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Q: What are two explames of how living things respond to changes in their environment?
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What do living things in nature respond to dramatically in their environment?

Living things in nature dramatically respond to changes in their environment. This response to changes in its ecosystem is called accommodation.

What characteristics of bacteria protozoa and fungi suggest that they are living cells?

They respond to changes in the environment.

Living things have internal control system that monitor the environment and enable them to respond to changes in it?


Does bacterium respond to changes in its environment?

yeah because even they are only bacterium they still respond because they are still living organisms

Do living things have internal control systems that monitor the environment and enable them to respond to changes in it?


One characteristic of living things is that they can respond to?

Living things can respond to the environment surrounding them. They are sensitive to their environment, and they can interact with it. Some living things can change their environment as well.

2 characteristics of living things are that they can and?

Living things have the capability to produce offspring to pass on their genes, and the ability to respond to changes in the environment they exist in.

Does pizza respond to the environment?

No, pizza is dead. Only living things respond to their environment

How do living respond to changes in their environments?

Ecology The environment influences the living things that it surrounds. Ecology is the study of relationships between organisms and their relationships with their environment. Living things can alter their environment, but nonliving things cannot. Living things, for example, may migrate or hibernate if the environment becomes difficult to live in.

What are the living things?

They need to respire, obtain energy to develop, excrete, reproduce, respond to the (changes in) environment and will grow eventually die.

Can mushrooms respond to changes?

Yes of course. Mushrooms are living things and living things respond to changes. ♡♥

What are the characteisticsf living things?

They need to respire, obtain energy to develop, excrete, reproduce, respond to the (changes in) environment and will grow eventually die.