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Osiris And Ra Were Two Gods Osiris Is God Of The Underworld And RaIs God Of The Sun

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Q: What are two gods of Egypt and what they were a god for?
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Egypt had a theocracy which meant that who was a god?

Egypt had many gods, the pharaoh was though to be a god as well.

In ancient egypt gods were often represented as?

There were many gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt and the depictions of them very.

What god in ancient Egypt is Amun?

King of gods.

What god was the father of all gods in Egypt?

The primordal Egyptian God was Nun.

Is cats still gods in Egypt?

They have many many gods like the sun god of ra and the god of mummification Nubeaus

Who was the god of all gods in Egypt?

The Sun God Ra, which is the equivelant to Zeus, the god of lightning.

What was the most god that was believed in Egypt?

all of the gods were believed in

Who is 2 important god to Egypt?

Apophis,god of chaos,and Ra,king of the gods

Who was the god of the gods?

Amun/Amun-Re was considered the chief god in ancient Egypt.

Can you tell me about the gods in Egypt?

yes! there were many gods and goddesses in Egypt, like R'a god of the sun, Nut goddess of the sky, Geb god of the earth, Bastet goddess of cats these were all main gods in Egypt and were all worshiped ver highly. hope that answers your Q.

Who was the Egyptian god of gods?

Amun/Amun-Re was considered the chief god in ancient Egypt.

Are there any gods in Egypt?

Yes, people in both modern and ancient Egypt believe in god(s).