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Freedom of religion and Freedom of Press

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Q: What are two important freedoms that became a keystone to American tradition in the colonial period?
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Why revolutions are important?

Revolutions can be important because they can bring about change that is for the good of a society. The American Revolution brought about the freedoms of today.

Freedoms of colonial North Carolina?

There was a lot of them like farting and using the bathroom on your own but mostly freedom.

What was the first African American newpaper?

Freedoms Journal

Why the crevecoeur saying that Colonial America is a perfect society?

Because Americans had more freedoms and opportunities in America than Europe.

How did the proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 BOTH help lay the groundwork for the American Revolution?

Both the Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 hampered colonial claims to western lands. This laid the groundwork for the American War of Independence.

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Why is it important to study the American political system?

well it is very important to know he political system. if you don't know about it how can you study it and how can you know your rights and express your freedoms given to you in the constution.

Who chipped away at African American freedoms in the 1870s?

Supreme Court

Who was the man many colonial citizens believed this man to be a tyrant?

Many colonial citizens believed King George III of England to be a tyrant due to his imposition of taxes and policies that restricted their freedoms and autonomy.

What is the word to me this.Guarantees that the individual freedoms of American citizens will be protected?

townshend act

How are some of our freedoms rooted in the colonial period?

freedom of speech

Why is it so important for basic freedoms to be granted in the Constitution?

My Consitution level is 99.