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legislative and congress

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Q: What are two law making bodies of the US Congress?
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What are two bodies of the 'law making' branch?

The two bodies of the legislative or 'law making' branch are called the Congress. The two bodies are the US House of Representatives and the US Senate.

What called to law making institution in America?

You are probably groping for the word "Congress." The US Congress is "bicameral" meaning it consists of two bodies. One body is called the Senate. The other is called the House of Representatives.

What is the largest body of congress?

The House of Representatives is the largest of the two bodies -- House of Representative and Senate -- that make up the Congress. The House of Representatives is the largest of the two bodies -- House of Representative and Senate -- that make up the Congress.

What is the name of the law making body of the US?

The law making body of the United States federal government is known as the United States Congress. This body is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Together these two bodies are charged with drafting and passing legislation, of course that must then be signed by the President before made law.

Who is a Texas Senate?

One of the two Legislative bodies in the Texas Congress.

What are the two U.S lawmaking bodies of the U.S congress?

The Senate and the House of Representatives.

What branch of government has two bodies?

If you were asking about the two bodies of courts, it is the judicial branch with the supreme and inferior courts. Hope this helped!!!! <><><> However, the branch with TWO bodies is not judicial, but legislative- the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Why is the law of conservation of momentum useful in analyzing the collision between two bodies?

The law of conservation of momentum useful in analyzing the collision between two bodies because there is use to be the collision between the two bodies reason for that is law of conservation of momentum is that the total sum of momentum is equal means constant after the total sum of momentum of two bodies. so if you don't be the collision between two bodies you will not aware of the meaning of momentum.

What are the two non law making duties of congress?

The non-legislative functions of Congress are the powers and responsibilities NOT related to passing laws. For example: impeachment power, confirmation power, and investigative power

What two houses make up the US Congress?

The Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. These two legislative bodies also make up the electoral college.

What are the names of people of the legislative branch?

The legislative or law making branch of the federal government is Congress. Congress has two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The people who are elected by constituents in their individual states are known as Congressmen and Senators.

What two major tools does Congress have to influence decision making in federal agencies?

New legislation and the budget are the two major tools Congress has to influence decision making in federal agencies.