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Q: What are two of the major Palestinian controlled areas in Israel?
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What are the major obstacles to isralei-palestinian peace talks and is it likely that a palestinian state will be formed?

The major obstacle to peace talks is the fundamental unwillingness and political inability of the Arab governments to acknowledge Israel's right to exist. It is likely that a palestinian state will be formed.

Why was the land of Golan Heights Jordan and the Gaza strip important to the resolution of the Israeli Palestinian conflict?

Those areas were major strongholds for the Palestinian community. They are still important in the resolution with respect to the last remaining remnant of Palestinian sovereignty.

What are the major industries that take place at Israel?

Israel has many High Tech Industries. Particularly in the areas of Bio-Technology, and Military Equipment.

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The source, the path and the worker.

Where is the fighting in Israel?

There is no fighting in Israel. Ever since 1973, there has been no land war fought in Israel. There are areas of Israel near to the Gaza Strip that are periodically shelled by rockets and most Israeli cities used to be hit by suicide bombers prior to the construction of the Separation Fence. The conflict is primarily in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, especially the West Bank due to the Israeli martial law imposed there. Most violence occurs in and around major cities such as Hebron, Jericho, and Nablus.

What are the effects of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the Israel's relationships with other Muslim Countries?

There is presently no Israeli-Palestinian war. Similarly, there has been no relationship between Israel and Muslim countries for quite a while, except for Egypt and Jordan, which have executed peace treaties with the Jewish state. Israel has also maintained strong relationships with the Muslim-majority nations of Turkey and Iran for a long period of time. However, the Israeli-Iranian Alliance collapsed with the Islamic Revolution in 1979. The Turkish-Israeli Alliance was dealt a major blow by the Mavi Marmara Incident which is related to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

What 3 land areas make up Palestine?

The three major divisions of the British Mandate of Palestine are (in order order of size): Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. The three major divisions of the territory claimed by the Palestinian Authority are (in order of size): Samaria, Judea, and Gaza.

What has been a major goal of both Zionists and Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East?

The problem with this question is that it assumes monolithic opinions on both sides. This is not the case. As a result, there are numerous views and perceptions that color all sides. Typically, Israeli goals are seen to hold to the maintenance of a Jewish State where Jews control the policy and general direction of the country. Secondly, Israel wants to protect the Jewish rights to access and maintenance of Jewish Holy Sites in all areas of the former British Mandate of Palestine. Finally, Israel wants to have secure and peaceful borders. Typically, Arab goals are seen to hold to the creation of an independent Arab State where Palestinians control the general policy and direction of the country. Arabs also wish, if not for the removal of Israel, for Palestinian refugees to have the Right to Return to Israel. Arabs want unrestricted access to Muslim Holy Sites in all areas of the former British Mandate of Palestine. Finally, the Arabs want East Jerusalem to be the capital of an independent Palestinian State.

What is a major environmental issue in the israeli-Palestinian dispute?

But it is water that is a major environmental issue.

What is the Palestinian conflict summarized?

There are three major Palestinian Conflicts:Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Palestinians were part of a group of Levantine Arabs who lived across all of the Levant (Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan) who resisted when Jews, first from Europe and then from the Arab countries, bought land and gained the right to declare independence as a Jewish State. As a result, this brought them into direct conflict with the Jews and their allies (Bedouins, Druze, and Circassians) and many of them left the new State of Israel as refugees. Later, through Israel's response to the belligerence of other Arab countries, Israel conquered the Palestinian Territories, which had been under Arab military occupation. The Palestinians are now attempting to create a state, some through peaceful negotiation and others through terrorist activities like bombing civilians and attacking soldiers while in plain-clothes. Israel is responding both through negotiations and through increased military patrols.Arab-Palestinian Conflict: After the Palestinians left Israel, they became refugees among their "fellow" Arabs. The Lebanese, especially, treat the Palestinians barbarically, denying them working papers and the ability to make a real life for themselves. This creates perpetual statelessness for the Palestinian refugees. In Jordan, there was Black September which resulted in 15,000 Palestinian deaths (just 20% less than all of the Palestinians killed by Israel or Jews since 1900).Palestinian Civil War: Hamas and Fatah are two Palestinian political factions which have two very different ideas about what kind of government Palestine should have (Islamist - Hamas vs. Secular - Fatah) and what method is best to achieve a state (Belligerence and Terrorism - Hamas vs. Peaceful Negotiation - Fatah).See the Related Link for a short discussion on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Which three major religions were born in the region?

Christianity, Islam, and Judism all began from the ancestors of Abraham.

What is one of the three most feared palestinian terrorist groups operation against Israel today?

The three most feared Palestinian Terrorist Groups are Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.Fatah and Hezbollah are more famous than Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Martyrs but do not qualify for the title "Palestinian Terrorist Group". In the case of Fatah, it has abandoned its major militant wing in favor for a more moderated police force, making it no longer a terrorist group. In the case of Hezbollah, it is primarily Syrian and Lebanese, not Palestinian.