

What are two possible long-term effects of marijuana use?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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There is no conclusive evidence of negative long term side effects associated with the use of marijuana. The euphoric effects of marijuana only last up to three hours.

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Q: What are two possible long-term effects of marijuana use?
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nothing is impaired while under the effects of marijuana ,mostly time runs much slower for you and you can have visual distortion depending just how baked you really are, but there are no impairing effects from marijuana when you realize ,you have complete and total control

What does marijuana affects?

It depends on the user, and how, for lack of better words, immune they are to the effects of marijuana. Generally, Marijuana distorts perception making it hard to tell time and how fast things are moving. It affects your perception of those two things. For some users, it makes them hunger, what is known as the munchies, others it makes them tired, while some get hyper. It all depends on the person. For some thing feelings are intense and they can become paranoid. Marijuana is not for all users.

When you smoke marijuana does it take 17 minutes to feel the real effects?

If it does you got some ragweed marijuana...probly leaf cuttings and shake. What we grow and smoke local you will feel after the second hit. I've gone a day or two with none and then when I picked some up the first hit can sit me right down. so yeah its possible that it could take 17 min but I'm not buyin any of it.

Ingredients in marijuana?

There are no ingredients in marijuana. Marijuana could be used as an ingredient but you don't put two things together to make marijuana.

Can marijuana get out your system in two weeks?

with the right help it is posibel that marijuana can leave you systoem in two weeks

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Mexico and Paraguay are the two largest producers of marijuana.