

What are two rules of hyphen usage?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What are two rules of hyphen usage?
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Does house sit have a hyphen?

Some dictionaries list it without a hyphen, as "housesit" (and housesitter, akin to babysitter). This is likely a case of evolving usage. Many spell checkers will only accept the two-word form.

Is it well-liked or well liked?

In normal usage, the proper usage is "well-liked" because the two words combine to form a single adjective. However- if it is used postpositively, the hyphen is omitted.

Does the word 'outpatient' have a hyphen?

No. Through common usage, the words inpatient and outpatient no longer use the hyphen that characterized early spellings.

Is timeframe one word of two?

It is one word, meantime. The word mean is not modifying time.

How do you use a hyphen?

You use hyphens to make compound words that are not recognizable in common usage.

What hyphen is a special type of hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at end of a line?

It Is A Special Hyphen

What is the hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at the end of a line?

Non-breaking hyphen

What is is a special type of hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at the end of a line?

Nonbreaking Hyphen

Is first class correct use of hyphen?

As with many compound terms, it depends on the usage and placement. In general, if the words are used as a modifier directly preceding the modified word, the hyphen is required. Otherwise the hyphen is not used. Examples: * "We use only first-class ingredients." * "Your presentation was first class." Style manuals such as Words into Type and Chicago Book of Stylehave chapters detailing hyphen usage, and they're excellent references for any writer or student.

Is first-class correct use of hyphen?

As with many compound terms, it depends on the usage and placement. In general, if the words are used as a modifier directly preceding the modified word, the hyphen is required. Otherwise the hyphen is not used. Examples: * "We use only first-class ingredients." * "Your presentation was first class." Style manuals such as Words into Type and Chicago Book of Stylehave chapters detailing hyphen usage, and they're excellent references for any writer or student.

How do you write the word Inchargewhaether one has to put a hyphen between in and charge?

These are two words. There is no hyphen in the concept. In charge means to have leadership in English, so there is no hyphen to connect the two.

When were dashes invented?

The first recorded usage of the hyphen is attributed to Johannes Gutenberg of Mainz, Germany circa 1455.