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The Council of Trent reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings in response to Protestant Reformation challenges. It also issued decrees addressing issues of corruption and discipline among clergy, and standardized the Mass and sacraments to promote unity within the Catholic Church.

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Q: What are two significant changes the the council Trent made?
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What Were The Structural Changes Made as a consequence of the council known as vatican 2?

The Second Vatican Council was a pastoral Council, it made no changes to Church doctrine, or to the structure of the Church itself.

How council of Trent affect the performance and style of sacred music?

The Council of Trent specified that music in churches should for sacred purposes. The distinctions between secular, worldly music and sacred music, and their functions were made clear. What goes on in Church should be the worship of God, be it preaching, singing, liturgical dancing music or ritual.

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One of the many changes that Pope John XXIII made was convening the Second Vatican Council, which aimed to modernize and renew the Catholic Church. This council brought significant reforms, such as allowing the Mass to be celebrated in vernacular languages instead of Latin and promoting dialogue and ecumenism with other Christian denominations.

Who met off and on until 1563 and was convened by Pope Paul III to examine the criticisms made by Protestants about Catholic practices?

The bishops and cardinals in the Council of Trent.

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Pope John XXIII convened the Council and Pope Paul VI made the changes to the Mass.

How are censorship and the Council of Trent related?

The Council of Trent, a 16th-century Catholic Church council, sought to address the Protestant Reformation and reaffirm Catholic teachings. Censorship was one tool used by the Council to control the dissemination of information and prevent the spread of ideas considered heretical. The Council's decrees on censorship aimed to regulate what could be published or discussed to maintain doctrinal purity and authority.

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King of France who tried to prevent and worked hard at preventing the Council of Trent?

.Catholic AnswerFor various reasons, King Francis I of France made several impossible demands on any Council that was convoked, and thus held up the Council for a number of years. You may read more about it at the article below from the Catholic Encyclopedia.

In Effect The Counter Reformation and Council of Trent squashed all hopes that the protestants and catholics would reconcile true or false?

False. While the Counter Reformation and Council of Trent did deepen the divide between Protestants and Catholics, they did not completely eliminate hopes for reconciliation. Dialogue between the two groups has continued over the centuries, with efforts made to find common ground and understand each other's differences.

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Who ran the Greeks city-states?

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Who ran the Greek city-states?

Executive authority rested with a council, which was early on made up of aristocrats. As the electoral basis of government broadened, the council could be elected by the landowners, large and small. When democracy was experimented with, all citizens of a city met in regular assembly and passed laws and made significant decisions.