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Q: What are two specific examples of biotechnology that have been done by humans for thousands of years?
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What is the examples of biotechnology?

marine biotechnology, animal biotechnology, post-harvest biotechnology, plant biotechnology, fungal biotechnology, algae biotechnology, bioprocess technology,... while you study physiology and molecular techniques with them (if you choose it as a major).

What are advantage and disadvantage of the modern biotechnology?

biotechnology helps in creating the food which is a inbuilt medicine. but biotechnology may also be used to clone humans sexes.

Should biotechnology be used to alter and enhance humans?

Some believe using biotechnology to alter humans is good, while others believe it is not. My view is that it should not be used to alter and enhance humans.

What is the controversy surrounding biotechnology?

Humans playing "god".

What are three examples of a multicellular organism?

There are thousands: humans, dogs, cats, horses, pigs, plants, fish and on and on.

What is the use of organisms to perform practical tasks for humans called?


How has biotechnology helped humans? agriculture,medicine&health,drugs etc..

What are all the functions of humans?

We humans have invented many thousands of functions for ourselves. It would not be practical to list them all. Perhaps you should attempt to ask a more specific question.

What are examples of habitat alteration?

There are many examples of what humans have done to different habitats, and for some examples of specific physical damages resulting from man's interaction, see the sites listed below.

How biotechnology relates with nanotechnology?

because it helps enhance humans animals food etc...

What are some specific examples of animals that live in communties?

Primates, dolphins, whales, zebras, lions, meerkats, humans

How does biotechnology impact the environment?

it impacts it by using living things to make humans lives better. so the environment part of is, is that we are using a living thing in biotechnology. <3, Katie:)