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Q: What are two tissues that is replaced largerly with scar tissue?
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What tissue doesnt repair its self but is replaced with scar tissue?

Muscle tissues

Does asbestos scar lung tissues?

If inhaled, asbestos in air can scar lung tissue.

What two features does scar tissue lack that normal tissue have?

Scar tissue differs from normal body tissues in that it lacks hair follicles and melanocytes which produce pigment.

Can you remove scar tissue from your brain?

Yes. It is possible to remove tissues from your brain.

Which tissue heals by scar tissue?

Skin 2nd answer: True, but also most tissue in the body will heal with scar tissue if it is lacerated, torn, or incised.

When cardiac muscle cells are damaged by a heart attack they are replaced by?

scar tissue.

What disease is caused when liver cells are replaced by useless scar tissue?

Cirrhosis of the liver involves the replacement of healthy liver cells with scar tissue.

Can inflammed tissue be scar tissue?

The processes are a bit different, in scar tissue connective tissue has been added to the site whereas tissues surrounding inflammation sites change to allow easier access to water carrying immunological agents, nutrients, etc.

When cardiac muscle cells are damaged by a heart attack they are usually replaced by?

scar tissue.

What are tissue made out of?

It is a replacement tissue in an injured tissue, which is made up of connective tissue reguardless of whether the injury was in fact on the epithelium level. It is considered non-funtional because it does not carry out the function of the tissue that was replaced.

If some of the members of a cell population die and that cell population is unable to divide what are they replaced by?

Scar tissue

The implication of an inability of a cell population to divide it that when some of its members die what are they replaced by?

Fibrosis - Scar tissue.