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scar tissue.

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Q: When cardiac muscle cells are damaged by a heart attack they are usually replaced by?
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When cardiac muscle cells are damaged by a heart attack they are replaced by?

scar tissue.

When cardiac cells are damaged by a heart attack they are replaced by?

Fibrosis occurs, so fibres replace the cells

Are tissues damaged by myocardial infarction replaced by connective tissue?

Myocardial infarction is more commonly known as a heart attack. Yes, tissues damaged by myocardial infarction are replaced by connective tissue.

What is cardiac rest?

its not cardiac rest, its cardiac ARREST. which is a heart attack.

What is resting cardiac output?

its not cardiac rest, its cardiac ARREST. which is a heart attack.

What is cardiac death?

"Cardiac arrest" better known as a heart attack.

What is cardiac infarction?

Cardiac infarction, usually called myocardial infarction, is the medical term meaning heart attack. It is heart damage caused by lack of blood flow to the heart muscle.

What Cardiac arrest?

Cardiac Arrest is when there is tremendous heart failure. (Heart Attack)

What does hgh ckmb mean?

A high cpkmb means that the cardiac enzymes are high usually elevated 24 hours when there is a heart attack.

What is cardiac distress?

Cardiac distress is the same thing as a myocardial infarction, or heart attack.

What happens if cardiac muscles do not contract?

You would get a heart attack otherwise known as a cardiac arrest.

Can New cardiac muscle cells replace cardiac muscle cells?

Cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells) do not regenerate. They can get bigger (hypertrophy), but new cells are not made under normal circumstances. This means that when you have a heart attack or another injury to the heart and cardiac cells die, they are replaced by fibrous scar tissue which does not contract like normal heart tissue does.