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impose taffrifs on goods being imported and limiting import quotas to promote fair competition with domestic traders

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Q: What are two trade barriers that a nation with a protectionist trade policy might build against another country?
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What type of tariff is used to fight against protectionist policies by another country?


To fight against protectionist policies by another country?

To fight against protectionist policies by another country, a country can engage in diplomatic negotiations to address trade barriers, utilize the World Trade Organization dispute settlement mechanism for resolution, and explore retaliatory measures to encourage compliance with international trade agreements. It is important for countries to uphold free trade principles and work towards resolving trade disputes through dialogue and negotiation.

What are protectionist trade policies designed to do?

Protectionist trade policies are designed to shield domestic industries from international competition by imposing barriers such as tariffs, quotas, and subsidies. The main goal is to protect local jobs, industries, and markets from foreign competition and to support economic growth and stability within the country.

What does it mean for a country to place economic sanctions on another country?

Economic sanctions are domestic penalties applied from one country to another. Usually it involves trade barriers and restrictions on financial transactions.

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What are the barriers of investing internationally?

There are many barriers of international investment:many different currencieslaws and taxes vary from country-to-countrylanguage barriers (especially for accounting reports)

Who is against independence?

The country colonizing another country. The captives will cry for an independence but the colonizing country will prevent it from happening.

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What is a Belligerent Country?

One eager to fight; "aggressive acts against another country"; "a belligerent tone"

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