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Q: What are two types of glacier erosions?
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What types of erosions can water do?

physical weathering

What are two different types of glaciers?

1s a glacier the other is a watermalon

What is antral erosions of the stomach?

Antral erosions of the stomach refer to erosions or ulcers that specifically occur in the antrum, which is the lower part of the stomach near the pylorus. These erosions can be caused by factors such as infection with H. pylori bacteria, excessive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), alcohol consumption, stress, or smoking. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, or vomiting. Treatment typically involves addressing the underlying cause and medications like proton pump inhibitors to reduce stomach acid.

What two types of glaciers are giant sheets of ice that cover large areas of land?

Continental glaciers form in large flat areas. They spread across entire continents and make flattened landscapes. :)

What is Stream Erosion?

Stream erosions are things that can relate to normal erosions

The end or outer margin of a glacier?

There are so many variations of glacier types. If the head of the glacier is high in the mountains, then the lower end could possibly be called the mouth of the glacier?

What types of landforms that start with r?

Real glacier

How many causes of erosions are there?

there are four types of erosion. wind, water , ice, and wave erosion. the most important one is gravity.

What were the types of wildlife seen on or near the glacier of John Muir's sled-trip on Muir glacier?

goats, wolves, & a humming bird

Which two spheres interact when a glacier erodes a rock?

Which two spheres interact when a glacier erodes rock

What glacier form U shape valleys?

All types of glaciers

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