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Q: What are two ways a nation can revitalize a culture?
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This question is axiomatically wrong. A society has a culture. The two are two different ways of perceiving the same thing: people.

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radio and television baby

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That it is an island nation, and with little arable land are two features that have shaped it's culture and history.

Two ways leaders of culture club may keep members together?

sensei and aunt artic

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Intercultural festivals and intermarriages are some of the ways in which ideas travel from one culture to another.

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The reform activism are some of the things that influenced the American culture during the 1830s and 1840s.

What are two ways that culture is developed in a society?

Examples of culture are art, music, theater, books, etc. Society creates culture to be entertained, to expand their minds, to come together as groups. Culture also grows out of geographical, environmental, and sociological constraints.