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Q: What are two ways in which carbon dioxide is put into earth atmosphere?
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What are two ways that deforestation adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

Rotting trees add carbon dioxide (and sometimes methane) to the atmosphere.Burning trees releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

What are two ways in which carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere?

Respiration by animals is one of the ways through which carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere. The other way is through burning fuels that are carbon-based.

How is carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere besides photosynthesis?

Some carbon dioxide is absorbed by the top levels of the oceans where it is beginning to turn the oceans more acidic. That and photosynthesis are the only ways that carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere. Industries that emit carbon dioxide pollution are trialling ways of trapping carbon dioxide as it goes up the chimney stacks (scrubbers).

What are the two ways in which carbon dioxide is added to the?

Respiration by animals is one of the ways through which carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere. The other way is through burning fuels that are carbon-based.

What are two ways carbon Dioxide can be dispensed into the atmosphere?

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Summarize the carbon cycle starting and ending with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.?

The carbon cycle is a process where carbon is removed and returned to the atmosphere. The ways of returning carbon to the atmosphere are- 1. Respiration 2. Decomposition 3. Combustion Ways of removing carbon- Photosynthesis. The CO2 in the air is taken in by green plants for photosynthesis. The green plants die eventually and is decomposed; decomposition return carbon to the atmosphere. Animals respire and return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Decomposers respire as well. Green plants can be used to make fuels, which combust to return carbon dioxide to the air.

In what two ways do forest fires contribute to the rise of carbon dioxide?

They release carbon dioxide when they burn.The burnt trees are no longer available to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

How is the oxygen in the atmosphere replaced?

Through oxygen cycle. Humans and animals take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This ways the oxygen is circulated in the atmosphere.

How did earths atmosphere change?

Earths atmosphere has changed in a few ways. It contains more pollutants and carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas.

How can recycling cans help earth?

Recycling can help the Earth in many ways. If you recycle paper, you save trees, which in turn reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere and reduce global warming. Trees photosynthesise, where they take in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and give out oxygen. Carbon dioxide is the main reason for global warming as it traps the Sun's heat in Earth's atmosphere. If you recycle aluminum, you save energy, as it takes much less energy to melt cans into fresh aluminum. Most energy comes from electricity produced by burning coal, so you cut down on carbon dioxide. The same with glass.

What ways have you added excess carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

Excess, or additional carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere only by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), and a very small amount from volcanic activity.All other carbon dioxide moves in and out of the oceans, atmosphere and land as part of the normal carbon cycle, which includes the growing and dying of vegetation.Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide that was taken out of the atmosphere (when the vegetation grew) 300 million years ago, so it is extra.

Name three ways that plants are helpful to people?

They add oxygen to the and take in Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere