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Q: What are two ways that the white blood cells actually get rid of bacteria?
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What blood cells kills bacteria?

You Must mean White blood cells. White blood cells kill bacteria by first engulfing them, this process i believe is called phagocytocis. They literally eat the bacteria and digest it.

What blood cells fight pathogens?

White blood cells fight infection while the red blood cells carry blood to your heart.

Which blood cells fight bacteria and viruses?

The white blood cells (also called leukocytes).

Is white blood cells a virus or bacteria?

White blood cells are normal parts of the human body. They are neither viruses nor bacteria.

What kind of white blood cells is made of dead bacteria and white blood cells?

the neutrophis they are known as pus cells

Which part of blood is responsible for fighting infections?

White blood cells (WBC) of a type called macrophages are attracted to the site of infection and surround the bacteria, digesting and killing them by using hydrogen peroxide created within the WBC.

What do white blood cells make?

White Blood Cells make a chemical called Interferon, which white blood cells use to kill bacteria and germs.

What can bacteria do that viruses cannot?

Bacteria can attack and kill cells. White blood cells can kill bacteria.

Wraps around harmful bacteria and produce antibodies to combat diseases?

White blood cells are the backbone of the bodies immunity. White blood cells attach to bad cells or bacteria to help fight of disease.

What component of blood engulfs and destroys bacteria?

White Blood Cells

What fights bacteria that enters the body?

White Blood Cells (WBC) ;D

How do white blood cell kill bacteria?

White blood cells kill bacteria by absorbing and killing the bacteria by digesting it with digesting enzymes.