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It depends the kind of strong emotions, if they are sad emotions, try to listen to the saddest song you can think of and cry as much as you can (If you can take a nap, that would be great also). Then go and watch some really funny videos or TV shows. This will make you laugh and you wont be able to cry anymore because you have already cried so much it will be difficult to cry and get sad again. (for a while)

If you are having angry emotions, then think over the exact thing you are angry about. Try to come to a conclusion of some kind, like it was my fault, their fault, or it was a mistake etc. After try to think of a good thing that makes your life better than someone else's (you obviously have a computer so that already makes your life better than many of my friends). Find a few people that you know and name all of the things that make you or your life better than theirs. Get some milk, or chocolate milk, and drink a whole bunch of it. Then when you get sick of it drink some water and hug a loved one or pet or stuffed animal. Do not resort to physical pain or violence, not even emotional pain or violence. IF you are still feeling sad or mad, you have a SERIOUS problem and need to talk to someone.... anyone!

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Q: What are two ways that you can manage strong emotions?
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