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Q: What are unbroken layers of low gray clouds bring light rain snow or drizzle?
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What color are stratus clouds?

They are grayish and appear in flat layers in the sky. Stratus means layers and they bring drizzle or rain.

Which clouds bring light rain and drizzle?

Stratus clouds

What kind of clouds often bring drizzle?


What clouds bring snow or rain?

Cumulonimbus- Brings rain and lightningNimbostratus- Brings RainStratus: Light drizzle or flurryIf cold enough, they provide snow!

What type of weather does strato cumulus clouds bring?

Stratocumulus clouds brings very little precipitation but they can bring light drizzle or a tad bit of snow.

What type of weather do stratis clouds usually bring in?

Stratus clouds typically do not bring in much, if any precipitation. "Stratus" is sometimes known as fog. Usually one would expect overcast skies and some drizzle.

What are low sheet-like clouds called?

Low sheet-like clouds are called stratus clouds. They are typically gray or white in color and appear as a uniform layer covering a large portion of the sky. Stratus clouds often bring steady, light precipitation such as drizzle or light rain.

What kind of weather does stratus clouds bring?

Stratus clouds bring, small amounts of rain. I may be wrong but I have a test on Clouds tomorrow so I should know. And for you information stratus clouds look like a long, fluffy, blanket, and are usually are gray. So when you see stratus clouds you MAY have rain. Like I said I can't promise you that every stratus cloud will bring little rain. So if you'll be walking on a day stratus clouds will be out, bring a umbrella, just in case. Date 9/4/12

Beside tornadoes what type of weather does status clouds bring?

You mean stratus clouds? Stratus clouds can bring rain but not tornadoes.

What type of clouds bring drizzling?

stratus clouds

What type of clouds bring thunderstorms?

rain clouds

Clouds that bring thunderstorms are?

cumulonimbus clouds