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Q: What are under the article of confederation congress could not do this to its laws so states could just ignore laws?
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What was the power of Congress under the article of confederation?

It could only request states for funds.

how did the article of confederation set up the us government?

The Articles of Confederation gave power to the States even though Congress was still the main power.

In the articles of confederation what is article 2?

Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled.

What led to a serious dispute between the large and small states under the article of confederation?

equal voting power in Congress

What is the mode of representation in the article of confederation?

Under the Articles of Confederation, ratified on March 1, 1781, the states were represented by delegates. Each state had one vote in Congress.

What issue needed to settled before the smaller states agreed to the article of confederation?

There was an issue of representation of states in congress. The smaller or less populous states would want as much power in congress as larger states like Pennsylvania.

What issue needed to be settled before the smaller states agreed to the Article of Confederation?

There was an issue of representation of states in congress. The smaller or less populous states would want as much power in congress as larger states like Pennsylvania.

What might happen if a state did not like a law passed by Congress in the Articles of Confederation?

States were not obligated to do anything that Congress asked under the Articles. Congress had no power to force the states to do anything.

How many of the states had to approve the Articles of Confederation?

Nine of the thirteen states had to approve the Article of Confederation.

Why did Congress call for a convention of the states?

Congress wanted to strengthen and refine the Articles of Confederation.

What did the Confederation Congress do to strengthen the United States?

One thing the Confederation Congress did to strengthen the U.S. was pass the Land Ordinance of 1785. The Congress of the Confederation was created in 1781.

What is the Fourth article of confederation?

The fourth article is the relationship of states to each other!